Saturday, May 9, 2020


I am officially deprecating this blog. In the future I will post on my new blog: There are many reasons for the move some of them are:

  • More modern design with less work.
  • Integrated community interaction (follows, claps, and comments).
  • I can stop maintaining a custom markdown parser used to make posts for this blog.
Hopefully you agree with this decision and come along to the new blog, where lots of fun will be had!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Slack Etiquette

Slack is a weapon of mass distraction. Here I am talking about the communication platform, not the slang. Slack allows us to very easily disturb a lot of people and waste a lot of people's time, especially with the cost of context switches. To minimize this waste we have compiled a few concrete guidelines for how to behave on Slack.

  1. Follow the flowchart above.
  2. When posting a link always include at least one sentence about what the link contains, and why you think it is relevant to the people in the channel. Links to messages or channels are exempt from this rule.
  3. If there are more than 3 people in a channel always reply in threads.
  4. Have specific channels, luckily following the flow chart automatically fixes this.
  5. Use reactions. Reactions are a super convenient way to do voting. But also instead of reply messages:
    • agree = +1,
    • thank you = pray,
    • appreciate it = heart,
    • interesting = eyes,
    • get well soon = apple,
    • should have been a thread = thread,
    • yes/no = heavy_check_mark/x, and
    • you can easily add custom ones, ie. we have icons for every customer
  6. You should spend at least one second per person who is in the channel you are posting in on the message.
  7. Messages in public channels should be readable by anyone, eg. by being in English.
  8. Put automation in separate channels.
  9. Don't use @here, @channel, or @everyone unless your post is both urgent and important.
  10. If you outgrow a channel leave it.
  11. State explicitly in the description of a channel "how" mandatory it is, eg. "read at least once a week", or "optional"
  12. Use links to messages when referring to them, and never re-post something, just post a link.
  13. Have a "411 channel" where people can ask "which channel is relevant for ..." if you don't know where to post something, or whether you should join more channels.

As an example, my organization has possibly hundreds of channels, we have 4 channels just for the office I am in:

  • #location-must-read for important messages for everyone, "read at least once a week".
  • #location for stuff that is relevant if you are in the office, like arranging lunch.
  • #location-radio for random stuff like sharing a link you mentioned to someone from the office.
  • #location-robot for scheduled posts, so they are easy to find and don't clutter in the 'human channels'.

When you are new to something: explore.

  • when your organization is new to Slack, make a bunch of channels, and see what sticks, delete what doesn't.
  • when you are new to Slack, join channels quickly until you find the ones that fit you, leave the ones that don't.

The only thing to do now is: Start Slacking on!

Friday, March 6, 2020

R(eg?)*x Challenge

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are a very powerful tool. However, they have their downsides, mainly in maintainability. Regexes are often really hard to read or modify, as they are often just a long string of characters with special meaning.

For that reason, we should use them with care in our applications. But that is not the only place where they have their use. Modern editors come with support for searching and replacing using regexes. This is a perfect use case, because, as a one-time action we need not maintain them. We can also see the exact context that it will be applied to, so there are no bug issues.

The Challenge

Keeping our regex toolbox sharp is important, and I recently got a fun regex challenge to practice. In Visual Studio Code paste the following and create a regular expression that matches each of the good lines (it should show 6 matches), and none of the bad lines:



Cheat Sheet

To save you some time here is a cheat sheet of VSCode regex:

Regex Meaning
Any character
A character in the range a-z or A-Z or _
A character _not_ in the range a-z nor A-Z nor _
Zero or more X (longest match)
Zero or more X (shortest match)
One or more X (longest match)
One or more X (shortest match)
Either X or Y
Start of line
End of line

Monday, February 17, 2020

Stop Starting and Start Finishing

I am terrible at coming up with new ideas and projects, by which I mean I do it way too much. I get distracted easily whenever I get a new idea for a project. By now this means I have accumulated an immense graveyard of half-finished projects.

As I have always felt the 'learning' was the goal half-finished projects in itself is not a problem. I have always said if you know how to do something there is no point in actually doing it.

Recently though I have decided that I would like to start finishing things. Hopefully reaping more benefits from them. I hope that by combining ideas from other different areas I can create something to help me gain more focus.

Limit WIP, from Kanban

Wanting to limit what I am working on I immediately thought of Kanban. In Kanban, we have a Work-In-Progress (WIP) limit meaning that each workstation can only work on a set number of items.

I figured that this would be pretty easy to adapt to my needs. A Kanban board traditionally has a column for each workstation including one for incoming work (To do), and outgoing work (Done). In my case I have only one workstation – myself – so I need only one column for that. I also don't need either incoming nor outgoing, so really what I want is just one column with a fixed number of places. I settled on 3 places.

I also need a very clear way to free up these spots again, although it shouldn't be too easy, as that would be the same as where I started. I decided to add a specific goal which when reached would allow me to free that place. In some cases, I might set my goal too high or lose interest. To make sure the WIP limit doesn't get deadlocked like that I also add a deadline to each goal. So if the goal is reached or the deadline is passed I am allowed to free up the spot.

Small Batches, from Lean

Having only three activities I can spend leisure time on encourages setting the goals low enough that you can still swap them out quickly. This is very similar to the 'small batches' preached in lean manufacturing. I very much like this property of the system, as smaller goals are more likely to yield successes.

While small goals is a nice side effect, it does get dangouresly close to just setting trivial goals, and then swapping them as quickly as I did without the system effectively not gaining any focus.

Themes, from CPG Grey

The final improvement I made to the system is to change the "activities" to "themes" in CPG Grey style. I am allowed to change these themes only every three months, so they should be broad.

The final system then has three themes changing at most every three months, each with one goal that I am currently allowed to work on. Each goal has a deadline and I am only allowed to change the goal when it is reached, or the deadline expires.

My Hobby Board

My current hobby board looks like this:

Theme Goal Deadline
Italian Cooking Ravioli April 25th
Writing Write a book January 1st
Medicine Anatomy jigsaw puzzle March 1st

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A New Take On FizzBuzz

I have been hosting a lot of technical interview by now, to determine whether applicants meet our programming and data understanding requirements. A lot of thoughts have gone into the structure and design of the questions to ensure that they tested all relevant aspects and where not 'gameable'.

Before I did my first I went online to find out what other people had done, and immediately came across "FizzBuzz". Then I realized that if I used something I had found online, my applicants might very well have studied for a technical interview and came across the same thing. Analyzing FizzBuzz I determined that it requires an applicant be familiar with at least loops and conditionals.

As it turns out we can use the same exercise to reach higher levels of programming skill. Here are a few variations I came up with to determine an applicants skill level. They are intended to be solved in C# or Java, but any Object Oriented language should present the same solution.

Level 0: Standard

Write a program that takes as input a number, N, and outputs all numbers from 0 to N. But if a number is divisible by 3 it instead outputs "Fizz", if it is divisible by 5 it instead outputs "Buzz". It it is divisible by both it outputs "FizzBuzz".

Level 1: Without iteration

Write the same program but without using while, for, streams, nor foreach.

Level 2: Without conditional

Write the same program but without using if, the ternary operator, nor switch.

Level 3: Without either (almost)

Write the same program but using only one if, no else, ternary operator, switch, while, for, streams, nor foreach.

Level 4: Without either

Write the same program but without using if, ternary operator, switch, while, for, streams, nor foreach.


Although the fact that level 4 is possible is a fun challenge, and shows creativity in an applicant. However, level 3 is much prettier, so I would seldom be disappointed if they stop here, unless creativity is very highly valued in the position they're applying for.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A Story About Software Development

Up front I admit that this post is less about facts and more about a narrative. If I may paraphrase George Box: All stories are wrong, but some are useful.

The story starts — like many conversations I've had — with someone saying "I have an idea for an app".

Chapter 1

As it turned out the idea was good, and immediately I opened my laptop and started designing the prototype. In the beginning I was very productive. The code moved forward at close to typing speed (the theoretical limit until a more direct input method is perfected). I could do this because I knew the entire code base, and as the sole developer I could also make all the decisions.

As with virtually any software project it quickly became apparent how huge an undertaking it was. As the months went on parts of the code started escaping my memory, I learned things, changed my style and preferences slightly. Gradually it was like there were two programmers on the project; me and me from the past. In fact there were many "me of the pasts". Thus being the "sole developer" was an illusion. To completely kill the "sole developer"-idea I eventually partnered with two other developers, to speed up progress.

Working with other people turned out not only to be a benefit, but also a cost. Suddenly there were parts of the code I did not know, and had to spend time familiarizing myself with. It was not clear anymore how to make decisions. Having the other developers come to me with every question would not leave me any time for coding. Having them make their own decisions meant that different parts of the software would not fit together, resulting in a weird eclectic app at best, errors and bugs at worst.

Chapter 2

As a programmer my instinct is to try to solve every problem with more structure — another layer of indirection as the aphorism of David Wheeler goes. I decided that we should start by spending some time figuring out what product we wanted to make. We would talk with our future users; Analyzing the potential market. Then we would make as many decisions as we could. Have workshops with paper mockups, and make sure we had the perfect design. Once we had the design for the app we could start building it, safe in the knowledge that all the decisions had been made. Once implemented it would be a simple matter of testing it. And finally releasing it to the users with some teaching material and more workshops. Everything would be heading ever faster towards the end. Just like a waterfall.

Confident that this was the right way to develop software, we hired a user experience guy, and a documentation & workshop guy. Our plan was idiot proof. Or so we thought. Analyzing, and designing went by with no problems, and we had what we felt like was the perfect design. During implementation however was when problems started occurring.

Just like data structures are frozen algorithms, code is frozen understanding, a notion expressed by Dan North. This means that whenever two people understand something differently their code often end up conflicting. As the code base grew larger we had to spend more and more time making sure that we had not broken anything. There are two ways to do this: more communication and investigation before implementing something new, or more testing afterwards. The code we had just added could have broken something somewhere else, so we had to test everything. None of us knew the entire system, so it would be very difficult to test part of the system that we had not contributed to, let alone fixing bugs if we found them. We were grinding to a halt.

Chapter 3

We had to spend ever increasing time bug fixing, or have to spend a considerable effort communicating with everyone to make sure we had the same understanding. We had two major — and very different — issues: there was no common design for the code base, and we spent a lot of time bug fixing.

We looked again to my favorite thing: Structure. We immediately agreed that the code was too complex to completely plan from the beginning, but we felt like we could at least predict how it would look in two weeks. Thus we instituted bi-weekly planning meetings.

As for the quality, we turned our heads to my second favorite thing: Automation. We would have every programmer write a small piece of code that would test their part of the system. In the end we could just run this code to see if the system worked.

Being better safe than sorry we also wanted to increase collaboration, to make sure everybody had the same understanding, further increasing quality. We decided to have everybody pair with someone else, and they would be both responsible for their code. This meant that misunderstanding got caught immediately, and new the practices were more easily followed as there were two to remember them — and make sure they were not skipped.

Closer collaboration in the form of bi-weekly meetings, and pair programming, together with automated testing was outrageous. This was extreme programming, and it greatly reduced the time we spend communicating and debugging.

Having unclogged the drain, we finally finished the first (of three) part of our app. With champagne and party hats in our bags we proudly went to our users and presented what we had built. We had not needed bring the party hats, as what ensued felt less like a party and more like being lion tamers meeting a lion for the first time.

It turns out that while we had been designing and implementing our system, another app — let's call it AstroSoft — had been released meaning that most of our functionality had become irrelevant. "Isn't this the same as AstroSoft?", was how I learned how much a question could hurt, when we had to reply "Yes, but we currently have fewer features, and is probably harder to use".

Chapter 4

In our ignorance we had trusted in the plan. The design we had made were perfect for the users. Unfortunately, much like I changed during the first months of the project. So had our users changed, and the design no longer fit. Before starting part two, I was determined not to end up with another fiasco. I needed ideas. I needed solutions. Being a bit of a fantasy nerd; I needed the 12 knights of the round table... of software development. I contacted my 11 most talented friends and invited them to a cabin where we would stay until we had come up with a solution. In the end a few of them brought some good friends and we ended up being 17.

We started with a basic question: How could we design something for how the users would be in the future? In reality, how could we even know if our product would be relevant when we were done building it? The only thing we could say with certainty was that it was relevant now, and would probably be relevant at least in a month. We realized that this looked a lot like the situation we had had with regards to designing the code base. In that case we decided to have continuous planning meeting, were we planed a little bit. Maybe we could use the same solution here.

In the end we had a document with four values, and in lieu of 12 knights we had 12 principles. Three of the values were sort of derived from my teams previous experiences. Two from our focus on collaboration:

  • Interaction over processes, and
  • Customer collaboration over contracts

And one from testing:

  • Working software over comprehensive documentation

But we also added one that completely invalidated our previous approach:

  • Responding to change over following a plan

Most notably — and as stated in our first principle — we would early and continuously deliver valuable software to our users. The ability to adapt, having the code be able to change suddenly, being agile, was ground breaking. Everybody present had experienced similar hardships that we had, and both the values and principles seems self evident to us. "Surely these will never expire" said one of us "we should we should put it on a website; is available". Having a grammar nerd present the response was swift and merciless "That is a contradiction in terms; A manifesto can by definition not be agile. It is technically a Manifesto for Agile Software Development". "Oops, I already bought the domain name". "Well, done is done, let's just hope people don't end up calling it the Agile Manifesto, because they would sound like illiterates".

Chapter 5

Confident like a flying Icarus, I returned to my team and handed them what I felt was "it"; the right way to develop software. If you know the Greek myth you will know what comes next. My team got all fired up, agreed with everything I presented, but when I was done there was a hand in the air. "That's all well and good, but what does it mean in practice? How are we going to do this?" I had been so focused on the big picture I had not thought about how to concretize it.

When you have to be very concrete, I find it useful to pretend I am making a game. A game has to have very specific and concrete rules. Together with one of my co-partners we sat out to make the agile software development game. Being creative can be difficult but another trick I've picked up is to start by coming up with a silly name, one that has no connotation, so you can think about it freely. In our case we came up with the completely absurd word "Scrum".

Remember our end goal was to "continuously deliver valuable software to our users". First we defined who 'the users' are; again with a new term we called them "product owners". The 'continuous' part we already did for planning the code, so we decided that we would release on the same schedule; every 2 weeks. We called the period in between a "Sprint", although looking back this makes it seen like you have to be sprinting all the time, which is not possible, had I a second chance I would have called it "stage". On the topic of silly words I always thought the word "dodo" was hilarious, so I really wanted to include it in some way. We decided to have it stand for "definition of done, overall", to signify that we had to agree on a universal definition of what "done" meant.

We realized that what we were doing was just renaming things. We needed something that stood out. Something colorful. Then it came to me: post-its. I had heard of something called a Kanban board, that they used at factories. What I remembered was there were colorful post-its and columns. Our "Scrum board" would have three: to do, doing, and done (going well with our 'dodo'). We were on a roll so there was no time to investigate the details of Kanban, although I later learned that the power of the columns was to limit what they call WIP (work in progress). We should have probably included a mechanism for that. Would that this desk were a time desk, that I might correct my past mistakes.

We incorporated our planning meeting this time under the name "Sprint Planning", and also added a few more meetings, one for showing our progress to the product owners ("Sprint Review") and one that should enable us sprint even faster next week ("Sprint Retrospective"). We also baked in some more collaboration (and made sure the name of the game was edged into history) in the form of "Daily Scrum", 15 minutes of chit-chat about what each person did yesterday and what they are going to do today. Finally, any game needs a judge, which we called a "Scrum Master". All other players would just be "the Development Team". In order to avoid later disputes we ended up limiting the number of product owners to one. We also cut the "overall" from dodo because it seemed unnecessary.

Chapter 6

Armed with these new wonderful tools, these artifacts, we started building the planned part two of the system. Starting with the most important few features. We made sure that after each two weeks we showed our selected product owner what we had built. After she had approved the features we would have a few people deploy it to all the users. This small subteam was also responsible for keeping the servers running, and generally that the system was operational.

These were the golden days. Being a developer (or dev for short), was glorious. We got to do all these cool features all the time, and did not have to worry about all the pains of deployed nor maintaining them. It was awesome. Apparently though the operations guys (or ops for short) were not quite as happy. As it turned out nor were the users, because the stability was not always what we had dreamed of. In general actually the ops had trouble keeping up. We had also had some pretty bad scares with security so we brought on a security guy to go in and fix it. That was the straw that made our house of cards spill over.

Because neither maintainability nor security had been built into the software at a fundamental level it just was not possible to after-fit them. Although we managed to deliver part two of the system, it was clear that we could not continue like this. We had to combine the goals, and thus the teams. We needed the devs and the ops to work together, so that we might all thrive, we needed DevOps.

As we had matured and got used to this new way of working, we discovered that we could actually deliver even more often. Soon we started doing it every week, then every day, then multiple times a day. Slowly Scrum did not fit anymore. Luckily I had had time to sit down and study Kanban, and what it came from, namely 'Lean'. I realized that there was a simpler way to express what we had put in the manifesto all those years ago. I found that I could encompass everything in three practices, I coined them "the three ways":

  1. Flow — make sure things are flowing from left to right smoothly and continuously
  2. Feedback — get early and continuous feedback
  3. Learning — we need to continuously grow; be better and faster

As was clear, the silver bullet had been the word "continuous" all the time (pun intended). As Anthony Panozzo said "If something is hard, do it more often", the limit of "more and more often" being "continuously".

Chapter 7

Having formed a DevOps team, and following the three ways we very pretty well set. We delivered quickly, reliably, and the quality was better than ever. Very content I remember thinking to myself one morning "This is it. This is the right way to make software". And so i thought for a while. Until I noticed a small wrinkle in the scheme. As it turns out "learning continuously" is not as easy as it sounds. Being stumped again I wrote a letter (yes, he lives in an area with no cell phone service, or even phones, or electricity) to one of my heroes; Isaac.

He replied to me, that when I observe something I should form a hypothesis of what the underlying truth was. I should then proceed to device an experiment that would determine whether my hypothesis was false or not. Perform the experiment and based on the observations I made during it repeat the process.

This was a very elegant way to put it. I did fear that it would still be a bit too vague for some of my colleagues. I decided to reuse an old idea and make another board, this time the columns would be the stages of an experiment. I also fleshed it out a bit to add a bit more of my favorite thing:

  • Problems and observations — here we put a post-it every time something makes us roll our eyes
  • Options — here we brainstorm what could possibly have an effect on a problem
  • Possible experiments — when we have at least 3 options we can promote one or more of them, making them a little more concrete
  • Committed — when we have a few possible experiments we concretize them even further, and prepare to actually perform them
  • Ongoing — what we are experimenting with right now
  • Review — evaluate how the experiment went
  • Next — where do we go from here.

With this we have been able to perform 5-10 experiments per week, constantly adapting and improving. It seems to me now the of the three ways the third is by far the most powerful. Maybe we would have even come up with the other two if we had had the third first. It is impossible to say for sure. But to underline this observation I wanted to call this method "Flow", like the first of the ways. And notice that when you take the first letter of every column it spells Popcorn, thus "Popcorn flow". We can make a strong case that evolution is the greatest force of nature, who would have thought that the same would apply to software? But I do feel confident when I say: This is it. This is the right way to make software.


I have tried to include a lot of facts in the story, such as quotes, explanation of fundamental ideas, and the whole chronology of the methods. However most of it is complete fiction. Most notably: no matter how much I wish I could have been one of the signatories of the manifesto for agile software development as the story suggests, this is simply not the case. Nor did I contribute in any way to Scrum, or any of the other methods discussed above.

What strikes me about the story is that most of the chapters (if not all) are "something that works somewhere else" applied to software development.

Waterfall was came from engineering buildings, Scrum came from Kanban which like DevOps came from Lean which itself came from the Toyota Production System, and Popcorn flow is the scientific method — with extra steps.

Why has it taken us so long to (re)discover things that were already invented? Did we really have to suffer through all the hardship? My guess is that there is a tendency for arrogance in our field. We like to develop our own libraries when we can, because ours will be better. We don't generally like to try new things, because we can make it work without. Even when we hear an interesting idea it is often met with "it doesn't apply to our type of organization" or "our type of software", or "our customers". Certainly I am guilty of arrogance myself sometimes; No code is as beautiful as my own. And that is also why I made the protagonist in the story very arrogant.

This is where, I wish I was smart enough, to apply this insight, to realize: what is the next old idea that will catapult us forward?

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Debugging Challenge #6

Previously on Dr. Lambda's blog:

I have deviced a series of debugging challenges, some are easy, some are really hard, all come from real live systems. Good luck!

The Challenge

  • 1 point if you can spot where the error is.
  • +1 point if you can explain why.
  • +2 points if you can explain how to fix it.
@Echo off

set direct=1
echo %cmdcmdline% | find /i "%~n0" >nul
if not %errorlevel% == 1 set direct=0

REM powershell.exe -file .\AdHocScripts\FlushBlobCache.ps1
Set e=%errorlevel%
if not %e% == 0 goto error

powershell.exe -Version 2 -file .\AdHocScripts\FarmIISReset.ps1
Set e=%errorlevel%
if not %e% == 0 goto error

goto success

    Echo ERROR, errorlevel %e%
    if %direct% == 0 pause else exit %e%
    goto end
    Echo done
    if %direct% == 0 pause