Saturday, January 16, 2016

Playing Fetch with XML


Importing data into Microsoft Dynamics CRM is pretty convinient, however the data we have to import is usually not perfect, therefore we often end up importing and deleting the same data many times before we are satisfied. Both of these processes are quite slow, and does require a bit of manual work. This method also means that we can't start using the the data until it is imported correctly because relations to it will be broken. Even in the situations where the data is perfect, like when we move data from a development or testing system to a production system, we first have to export it, manually change the format, and manually import it again.

Our next project is to make data import easier. We cannot cover everything within this area, so this is a running project, which we will develope and expand over time.

In this post, we make the foundation for a neat and minimal library for querying the CRM system. The most common way for users to query the system is using the Advanced Search functionality. Advanced Search provides an interface where we can choose which attributes to display and set up conditions on which records to retrive. Behind the scenes this is represented in as XML more specifically FetchXML. FetchXML is the way we are going to query the system. XML is not the nicest interface for humans, thus we are going to abstract away the syntax and start introducing types.

Remember: this is a technical post, a usage/tutorial post will follow next week.


In order to build an F# library to abstract away XML we need to be familiar with the following concepts:


For this library, we don't need alot of new utilities. Actually, we only need one new function:

module StringUtils =
  let capitalize_first (str : string) = 
    string (System.Char.ToUpper str.[0]) + str.Substring(1)

Unsafe FetchXml

In the first version of the library we focus only on the basic functionality. Afterwards we consider how to improve usability by introducing types to help catch bugs. The library consists of five functions for: initialization, setting how many records to retrieve, setting up conditions on the lookup, choosing which attributes to retrieve, and finally generating the finished FetchXML.

As mentioned earlier on this blog: I like chain-calling. So like last time we have a value – the 'needle' – that is 'threaded' through all the calls. This needle is the last argument to every function, and every function returns it, or a variation of it.


For now, we are only interested in basic functionality we only need to store:

  • which entity we want to retrieve from
  • how many records to retrieve
  • which attributes to retrieve
  • and the conditions on the records.

The final value is a string representing XML, therefore many of these can be represented as strings. However, for the conditions there are some advantages to using a custom datatype. First, it is difficult for users to remember what conditions are possible, and how to write them – their format and keyword. If the conditions are represented by a custom datatype these problems are solved by code completion and custom code, respectively. Second, if we ever want to extend the library, if the conditions were strings we might have to parse them, which we would rather not.

Note: I have only chosen a few central types of condition, but it should be easily extended with more types.

module FetchXml =
  type condition =
    | Equals of string
    | In of string list
    | ContainsData
  type fetchxml =
    { entity : string;
      count : int option;
      attributes : string list;
      conditions : (string * condition) list }
  let init ent =
    { entity = ent;
      count = None;
      attributes = [];
      conditions = []; }

By default, we retrieve all attributes and all records.

Setting how many Records to Retrive

Limiting how many records to retrieve is as easy as updating count:

  let set_count count fxml =
    { fxml with count = Some count }

Chosing which Attributes to Retrive

Similarly, if we want to limit which attributes to retrieve we simply add them, one at a time:

  let add_attribute attr fxml =
    { fxml with attributes = attr :: fxml.attributes }

Setting up Conditions on the Lookup

Finally, to limit which records to retrieve we simply add attribute-conditions pairs, one at a time:

  let add_condition attr cond fxml =
    { fxml with conditions = (attr, cond) :: fxml.conditions }

Generating the Finished FetchXML

Having a fetchxml-record it is straightforward to generate the XML. One thing to note is that we cannot use amporsant in values in FetchXML.

  let generate fxml =
    let e = fxml.entity in
    "<fetch mapping=\"logical\"" + 
    (match fxml.count with
      | None -> ""
      | Some c -> " count=\"" + string c + "\"") +
    " version=\"1.0\">" + 
    "<entity name=\"" + e + "\">" +
    List.foldBack (fun a acc -> "<attribute name=\"" + a + "\" />" + acc) fxml.attributes "" +
    "<filter type=\"and\">" +
    List.foldBack (fun (a, c) acc -> 
      match c with
        | Equals s ->
          "<condition attribute=\"" + a + "\" operator=\"eq\" value=\"" + s.Replace("&", "&") + "\" />" + acc
        | In vs ->
          "<condition attribute=\"" + a + "\" operator=\"in\">" +
          List.foldBack (fun v acc -> "<value>" + v + "</value>" + acc) vs "" +
          "</condition>" + acc
        | ContainsData ->
          "<condition attribute=\"" + a + "\" operator=\"not-null\" />" + acc) fxml.conditions "" +
    "</filter>" +
    "</entity>" +

This concludes the core library. This is fine if we want to use it with other code, but people are not great with strings. People make spelling mistakes, forget which entities have which attributes, or even more subtly, forget to correct code when it changes.

Invent datatypes

One way to improve these problems is to use types. We need a way to connect entities and attributes with types, but where all entities still have 'similar' types. For this, we use polymorphism. Here is a toy example of how this would look:

module Attribute =
  module systemuser =
    type attribute = Name | Fullname
    let string_of_attribute = function
      | Name -> "name"
      | Fullname -> "fullname"
module Entity =
  type 'a entity = private { logical_name : string; string_of : 'a -> string }
  let string_of_entity e = e.logical_name
  let string_of_attribute e a = e.string_of a
  let systemuser = 
    { logical_name = "systemuser"; 
      string_of = Attribute.systemuser.string_of_attribute }

Notice that because the entity record is private we cannot accidentally make an invalid entity.

Generate datatypes

Writing the datatypes for all attributes and entities is unmanageable for people. However, even if we could, it would be static so we would need to update it every time something changed in the CRM system. We need a way to generate it:

let meta = 
  let er = RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest () in
  er.EntityFilters <- EntityFilters.Attributes;
  xrm.OrganizationService.Execute(er) :?> RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse in
|> Array.fold (fun (attrs, ents) i -> 
  let attributes = i.Attributes |> Array.fold (fun acc a -> acc + " | " + StringUtils.capitalize_first (a.LogicalName)) "" in
  let string_of = i.Attributes |> Array.fold (fun acc a -> acc + "      | " + StringUtils.capitalize_first (a.LogicalName) + "-> \"" + a.LogicalName + "\"\n") "" in
  (attrs + 
   "  module " + i.LogicalName + " = \n" +
   "    type attribute = " + attributes + "\n" +
   "    let string_of_attribute = function \n" + string_of,
   ents +
   "  let " + i.LogicalName + "= \n" +
   "    { logical_name = \"" + i.LogicalName + "\"; \n" +
   "      string_of = Attributes." + i.LogicalName + ".string_of_attribute } \n")
   ) ("module Attributes = \n", 
      "module Entities = \n" +
      "  type 'a entity = private { logical_name : string; string_of : 'a -> string }\n" +
      "  let string_of_entity e = e.logical_name\n" +
      "  let string_of_attribute e a = e.string_of a\n")
|> fun (attrs, ents) -> 
  File.WriteAllText (cfg.rootFolder + "/Crm.fsx", attrs + ents);

Safe FetchXml

With all these datatypes, we can modify the fetchxml-record to use these instead of strings:

type 'a fetchxml =
  { entity : 'a Crm.Entities.entity;
    count : int option;
    attributes : 'a list;
    conditions : ('a * condition) list }

Of course we also need to change generate accordingly, but that is straightforward.

As mentioned earlier, string actually work better with other code, thus if we still want this option we need to add this "entity-generator" to the Entities-module.

  let unsafe lname = { logical_name = lname; string_of = id }

Quality Control

As this library does not modify any data, we don't need to be as critical of it.

A Note on Performance

My focus is usually more on correctness and aesthetics; for once, we will consider the performance. The problem is that we are generating an 80 kB file. This file needs to be read, parsed, and type checked, which turns out to be very slow.

One solution to this problem is to split up the entities into separate files, but then we have to forgo the advantages of the private record. Namely that we cannot obtain an illegal entity, which is aesthetically less pleasing, but in practice may be the right choice.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Using the FormXML Library

Previously on Dr. Lambda's blog:

With Microsoft Dynamics CRM we can put client-side scripts on forms. Having a JavaScript file, we have to upload the script, go to the form editor, properties, add the dependencies (one at a time), register the call-back, save and publish the form. Finally, we can test our script, at which point we discover that we used the wrong name for the call-back or forgot one of the dependencies, not to mention that the JavaScript itself could have bugs, and we have to go through most of the process again.

module CrmUtils = begin
  val sdk_version : string
  val publish : unit -> unit
  module FormXml = begin
    type form_info
    val init : XRM.systemform -> form_info
    val register_dependency : string -> form_info -> form_info
    type event_type
    val event_type_to_string : event_type -> string
    val register_callback : event_type -> string -> string -> form_info -> form_info
    type validated
    val validate : form_info -> validated
    val commit : validated -> unit

Now, the continuation...

Off the Shelf Usage

The library is intended to be usable without being an F# or functional programmer. Let's explore the library through some examples.

Example 1

Say we have a JavaScript file called Test.Feature.js, which we have already uploaded as a webresource. The file contains a function called onload. Now, we want to register a call-back for this funciton, on the main form for the account entity, which is called Account.

|> CrmUtils.FormXml.init
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.register_callback CrmUtils.FormXml.OnLoad "Test.Feature.js" "onload"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.validate
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.commit
|> CrmUtils.publish

This will register the dependency and the call-back. This was easy, however imagine we need want to use the same feature on a different form, we only need to change the first line and run it again.

Example 2

The advantage of the library is even clearer if the file had had dependencies. For demonstration say it depended on Test.Utilities.js and jquery.js.

|> CrmUtils.FormXml.init
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.register_dependency "jquery.js"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.register_dependency "Test.Utilities.js"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.register_callback CrmUtils.FormXml.OnLoad "Test.Feature.js" "onload"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.validate
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.commit
|> CrmUtils.publish

Going Beyond

While the library is neat off-the-shelf, it also enables us to go even further. But first, let's warm up with some easy, useful, and obvious features to support the library.

Some General CRM Utilities

Currently our CrmUtils is pretty bare-bones so let's extend it with a few extra functions. Here are functions for finding: a solution, the publisher of a solution, and the prefix used by that publisher.

let solution solName =
  |> Seq.find (fun s -> s.uniquename = solName)
let solution_publisher solName =
  let sol = solution solName in
  |> Seq.find (fun p -> p.Id = sol.publisherid.Id)
let solution_prefix solName =
  solName |> solution_publisher |> fun p -> p.customizationprefix

Form Selection

Selecting forms with the xrm.systemformSet.Individuals.-method has a few disadvantages: Many forms are called Information, only one is accessible with this method, and it is difficult to know which. Therefore, another nice addition would be a complete and convenient way to uniquely select a form. In order to do this we need to know the name and type of the form, and which entity it is on:

let select_form entity t name =
  |> Seq.find (fun sf -> sf.objecttypecode = entity && sf.``type`` = t && = name)

At this point, we can reiterate example 1:

select_form "account" XRM.systemform_type.Main "Account"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.init
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.register_dependency "jquery.js"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.register_dependency "Test.Utilities.js"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.register_callback CrmUtils.FormXml.OnLoad "Test.Feature.js" "onload"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.validate
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.commit
|> CrmUtils.publish


In the last post, we discussed the risks of using the library, and one of the relaxing arguments was that you could always restore a form, using a back. Let us express this in a function taking a form and a filename.

let restore file (form : XRM.systemform) =
  if form.LogicalName <> "systemform" then
    failwith "Not a form";
  let e = Entity () in
  e.Id <- form.Id;
  e.LogicalName <- "systemform";
  e.Attributes.Add("formxml", System.IO.File.ReadAllText(cfg.rootFolder + file));
  CrmUtils.publish ()

Notice that we publish directly, even though it is time consuming. This function is intended for if something goes wrong. If it does, the user would be under a lot of stress, thus restore should be easy to call, and the user shouldn't need to remember anything, like publishing.

Web Resources

Last week I also mentioned that I had functionality for uploading web resources. I did not think they belonged in the FormXml library, however, in this context it fits perfectly.

There are a few caveats. First, web resources need to be encoded in UTF8 base 64. Second, if the web resource is new we want to create it in the appropriate solution, this requires us to pass an extra parameter, SolutionUniqueName. Only, this parameter is only supported on requests, so instead of calling xrm.OrganizationService.Create we have to execute an explicit CreateRequest. Third, the name of the web resource has to be prefixed by the prefix from the chosen solution.

I have chosen to split file-upload into two, as it is useful to be able to upload strings directly from code, as we shall see later.

let upload_text solName name (content : string) =
  let prefix = CrmUtils.solution_prefix solName in
  let already_exists =
    |> Seq.tryFind (fun wr -> = prefix + "_" + name) in
  let wf = Entity () in
  wf.LogicalName <- "webresource";
  wf.Attributes.Add("name", prefix + "_" + name);
  wf.Attributes.Add("displayname", name);
  wf.Attributes.Add("webresourcetype", OptionSetValue (int XRM.webresource_webresourcetype.``Script (JScript)``));
  wf.Attributes.Add("content", System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content)));
  match already_exists with
    | None ->
      let cr = Messages.CreateRequest () in
      cr.Target <- wf;
      cr.Parameters.Add("SolutionUniqueName", solName);
      xrm.OrganizationService.Execute(cr) |> ignore
    | Some wr ->
      wf.Id <- wr.Id;
let upload_file solName file =
  System.IO.File.ReadAllText(cfg.rootFolder + @"\" + file)
  |> upload_text solName file

Turning it up to eleven

There is still one final function missing in order to solve the original problem. One unifying function that, given a form, will generate the initial JavaScript, upload it to CRM, and finally register the dependency and call-back. But before we can write that we need to define what should be in our JavaScript files.

let javascript t org (fi : CrmUtils.FormXml.form_info) =
  let fname = CrmUtils.FormXml.event_type_to_string t in
  "var " + org + ";\n" +
  "(function (" + org + ") {\n" +
  "  var " + + ";\n" +
  "  (function (" + + ") {\n" +
  "    var Form = Xrm.Page;\n" +
  "    function " + fname + "() {\n" +
  "    }\n" +
  "    " + + "." + fname + " = " + fname + ";\n" +
  "  }) (" + + " = " + org + "." + +
  " || (" + org + "." + + " = {}));\n"+
  "}) (" + org + " || (" + org + " = {}));"

I like to organize my JavaScript into modules, prefixed by the org argument.

This following function does solves the problem, although it also needs the solution name, the call-back type.

let new_script solName t org form =
  let fi = form |> CrmUtils.FormXml.init in
  let filename = org + "." + + ".js" in
  let prefix = CrmUtils.solution_prefix solName in
  let name = prefix + "_" + filename in
  if System.IO.File.Exists (cfg.rootFolder + @"\" + filename)
    printf "Error: File '%s' already exists\n" filename;
    exit (1)
  let already_in_crm =
    |> Seq.exists (fun wr -> = name) in
  if already_in_crm
    printf "Error: File '%s' already in crm\n" name;
    exit (1)
  let content = javascript t org fi in
  upload_text solName filename content;
  System.IO.File.WriteAllText(cfg.rootFolder + @"\" + filename, content);
  |> CrmUtils.FormXml.register_callback t name (org + "." + + "." + CrmUtils.FormXml.event_type_to_string t)
  |> CrmUtils.FormXml.validate
  |> CrmUtils.FormXml.commit

More Examples

After all that, working with scripts looks like this:

Start by running:

select_form "contact" XRM.systemform_type.Main "Information"
|> new_script "DrLambda" CrmUtils.FormXml.OnLoad "Test"
|> CrmUtils.publish

Then open Test.Information.js and code.

Then you can update the script with:

upload_file "DrLambda" "Test.Information.js"
|> CrmUtils.publish

Then, when you split up your code into multiple files, or start using libraries you just run:

select_form "contact" XRM.systemform_type.Main "Information"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.init
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.register_dependency "jquery.js"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.register_dependency "Test.Utilities.js"
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.validate
|> CrmUtils.FormXml.commit
|> CrmUtils.publish

More common operations require less work.