Monday, February 29, 2016

Import-ant Data

Previously on Dr. Lambda's blog:

Importing data into Microsoft Dynamics CRM is convenient; however, the data we have to import is usually not perfect, therefore, we often end up importing and deleting the same data many times before we are satisfied. Both of these processes are quite slow, and does require a bit of manual work. Another caveat of this method is that we cannot start using the data until it is imported correctly, because relations to it will be broken.

import : string -> unit

Now, the continuation...

Off the Shelf Usage

Our tool can import CSV-files into CRM. In order to do this however we need to follow strict rules.

The first rule is the name our CSV-file should be the logical name of the entity we want the records to have. Thus if we want to import contacts the file should be called contact.csv.

Further, the first line in the file should be headers, also following strict rules.

Field types

Normal Values

For string (or two option) values the header should be the logical name of the attribute.



Local Option Sets

For values which are labels of a local option set we add a : after the logical name of the attribute.



Global Option Sets

For values which are labels of a global option set we further add the logical name of the option set after the :.



Lookup Fields

For values which refer to other entities we add a :, then the logical name of the target entity, then a ., then the logical name of the field to lookup based on.




Primary Keys

We can define a number of fields as primary. By doing this the tool will instead try to update records before it creates new ones. The way the tool determines what to do is if a record exist which is equal on all the primary fields to the one we would create, then we update this one instead.

We annotate a field as primary by adding a * immediately after its logical name.




We can also have fields in our CSV files which contain data we don’t want in CRM. If we prefix a header with # the column will be ignored.


# secret data
# password

Putting it together

Here is a toy example of a complete CSV file, ready for import.


firstname ; lastname ; emailaddress1* ; ; preferredcontactmethodcode: ; # age
Jacob ; Goldberg ; ; Microsoft ; Phone ; 43
John ; Doe ; ; Google ; Email ; 28
Michael ; Lincoln ; ; Starbucks ; Mail ; 23
Christian ; Gosling ; ; Blizzard ; Any ; 35

Monday, February 15, 2016

Import-ant Tool


Importing data into Microsoft Dynamics CRM is convenient; however, the data we have to import is usually not perfect, therefore, we often end up importing and deleting the same data many times before we are satisfied. Both of these processes are quite slow, and does require a bit of manual work. Another caveat of this method is that we cannot start using the data until it is imported correctly, because relations to it will be broken.

In this post, we implement a small F# script to import data into Microsoft Dynamics CRM. However, if the data is already in the CRM system the script corrects the existing record with the new data, thereby preserving relations already in place. This means, we can start using our data immediately, without fear of loss.

Remember: this is a technical post; a usage/tutorial post will follow next week.


For once we are not working with XML, thus we only need:


Apart from the FetchXml library we made last week, we only need this simple function:

let rec assoc key map = 
  match map with
    | [] -> None
    | (k, v) :: map' ->
      if k = key
      then Some v
      else assoc key map'

The Library

Our goal is to load data from a CSV-file (comma-separated values) into CRM.

It is straightforward to load in strings. However, it is a different story for option sets or lookups. Option sets are easier if we have them as the values, as opposed to the labels. Although, this makes it much less readable, and harder to work with.

Another goal is to keep the data as human readable as possible. Readable data is easier to work with, and less error prone. It also allows less technical users to work with the data, e.g. in Excel.

Because we also want the library to be able to update records, which are already in CRM, therefore we need some way to specify which records to update.

My favorite solution to these problems is to use sophisticated headers. Our headers should specify both what type of data it is, and supply additional information necessary to load the data. The headers should also specify which attributes uniquely define a record; this could be an account number, or an email address. We call these fields primary.


There are many types of data in CRM. In this prototype, we only address a few very common types; strings, booleans, local option sets, global option sets, and lookups.

For simplicity, I have decided that you can only set lookups based on one attribute of the target entity. We also represent both local and global option sets simply as a mapping from labels to values. We also allow columns to be ignored.

type mapping =
  | Simple
  | Ignore
  | OptionSet of (string * int) list
  | Lookup of string * string
type field =
  { name : string;
    typ : mapping;
    primary : bool; }

In order to initialize the mapping we need to define some syntax:

  • If a field starts with # the column will be ignored
  • Otherwise the header should be the logical name of the attribute in CRM
  • If the name is followed by a * this column is primary
  • If the name (and possibly *) is followed by only a :, then the field is the label of a local option set. (Example (Account): paymenttermscode:)
  • If the name (and possibly *) is followed by only a : and the logical name of a global option set, then the field is the label of that global option set. (Example (Opportunity): budgetstatus:budgetstatus)
  • If the name (and possibly *) is followed by only a : and the logical name of an entity, and a . and the logical name of an attribute of the entity, then the field should look up a record of that entity based that attribute. (Example (Account): primarycontactid:contact.emailaddress1)
let init_mapping ent (s : string) =
  s.Split [|';'|]
  |> (fun f ->
    let f = f.Trim () in
    let f = f.Split(':') in
    let primary = f.[0].EndsWith("*") in
    let name = 
      if primary
      then f.[0].Substring(0, f.[0].Length - 1)
      else f.[0] in
    if name.StartsWith("#")
    then { name = name; typ = Ignore; primary = primary }
    else if f.Length = 1
    then { name = name; typ = Simple; primary = primary }
      let f = f.[1].Split('.') in
      if f.Length = 1
        let options =
          if f.[0].Length = 0
            let req = RetrieveAttributeRequest () in
            req.EntityLogicalName <- ent;
            req.LogicalName <- name;
            let resp = xrm.OrganizationService.Execute req :?> RetrieveAttributeResponse in
            let pList = resp.AttributeMetadata :?> PicklistAttributeMetadata in
            |> (fun o -> (o.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label, o.Value.Value))
            |> Seq.toList 
            let req = RetrieveOptionSetRequest () in
            req.Name <- f.[0];
            let resp = xrm.OrganizationService.Execute req :?> RetrieveOptionSetResponse in
            let oSetMeta = resp.OptionSetMetadata :?> OptionSetMetadata in
            |> (fun o -> (o.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label, o.Value.Value))
            |> Seq.toList in
        { name = name; typ = OptionSet options; primary = primary }
        let entity = f.[0] in
        let field = f.[1] in
        { name = name; typ = Lookup (entity, field); primary = primary }

Setting Data

Now setting a value based on the mapping and a string is straightforward.

Notice: lookup is from last week’s post.

let set_value (e : Entity) m (v : string) =
  if v.Length = 0
  then ()
    match m.typ with
      | Ignore -> ()
      | Simple -> 
        if v = "true" then
          e.Attributes.Add(, true)
        else if v = "false" then
          e.Attributes.Add(, false)
          e.Attributes.Add(, v)
      | OptionSet map -> 
        match assoc v map with
          | None -> printfn "Warning: %s not found in optionSet" v; ()
          | Some i -> e.Attributes.Add(, OptionSetValue i)
      | Lookup (ent, f) ->
        e.Attributes.Add(, EntityReference (ent, lookup ent f v))

Getting Data

As mentioned above we sometimes want to update existing records instead of creating new ones. The way we determine this is if a record exist which is equal on all the primary fields to the one we would create, then we update this one instead. To test this we again use our FetchXml library.

Notice: we require that the record be unique. If we did not do this, we could not guarantee that we consistently update the same record.

let get_entity ent ms vals =
  let fxml = 
    (ms, vals)
    ||> Array.fold2 (fun st m v -> 
      if not m.primary
      then st
        match m.typ with
          | Ignore -> st
          | Simple -> FetchXml.add_condition (FetchXml.Equals v) st
          | OptionSet os -> FetchXml.add_condition (FetchXml.Equals (string (assoc v os).Value)) st
          | Lookup (ent, f) -> FetchXml.add_condition (FetchXml.Equals ((lookup ent f v).ToString("B"))) st
      ) (FetchXml.init (Crm.Entities.unsafe ent) |> FetchXml.set_count 2)
    |> FetchXml.generate in
  let ec = xrm.OrganizationService.RetrieveMultiple (FetchExpression fxml) in
  let e = Entity () in
  e.LogicalName <- ent;
  if ec.Entities.Count = 0 then
  else if ec.Entities.Count = 1 then
    e.Id <- (ec.Item 0).Id;
    printfn "Fxml: %s" fxml;
    failwithf "Lookup failed: multiple %s records found." ent

Importing/Repairing Data

With these helpers, the main function simply loads the file, line-by-line, and calls the helpers. Currently the library assumes the default export format for CSV files from Excel, which means un-quoted strings separated by semicolons.

let action act (e : Entity) =
  if e.Attributes.Contains("name")
  then printfn "%s: %s" act (string (e.Attributes.["name"]))
  else printfn "%s entity" act
let import_data entity =
  let lines = File.ReadAllLines (cfg.rootFolder + "/" + entity + ".csv") in
  let mapping = init_mapping entity lines.[0] in
  |> Array.skip 1
  |> Array.iter (fun valS ->
      let vals = valS.Split [|';'|] |> (fun v -> v.Trim ()) in
      if vals.Length <> mapping.Length
      then failwithf "Not enough values"
        let e = get_entity entity mapping vals in
        (mapping, vals)
        ||> Array.iter2 (set_value e);
        if e.Id = System.Guid.Empty
        then action "Created" e; xrm.OrganizationService.Create e |> ignore
        else action "Updated" e; xrm.OrganizationService.Update e
      e -> printfn "Error: %s; %s" (e.Message) valS

Quality Control

As I am devoted to high quality software, we should take a step back and examine how solid this library is.

First, this library is only as good as the data it gets. We can feed it destructive data, either because it overwrites good data, or contains invalid references, or something else. In practice though, bad data is most commonly rejected by CRM, in which case the tool skips the line, prints the error, and the faulty data. Similar to the built in import tool in CRM.

Another potential problem is if the data contains semicolons, in which case the input line is split incorrectly. However, there is no way to protect against this with the format we chose. If this happens, the line will be skipped, and printed.

Because of the primary fields, the tool never creates duplicates. This also means that we can run it multiple times without any additional risks. Further, because any error is printed, along with the triggering data, we get an easy overview over what has been skipped, and usually why. This means that we can easily find the flaw, correct it, and run the import tool again.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Using the FetchXML Library

Previously on Dr. Lambda's blog:

The most common way for users to query a Microsoft Dynamics CRM system is using the Advanced Search functionality. Advanced Search provides an interface where we can choose which attributes to display and set up conditions on which records to retrive. Behind the scenes this is represented in as XML more specifically FetchXML. FetchXML is the way we are going to query the system. XML is not the nicest interface for humans, thus we abstract away the syntax and start introducing types.

module FetchXml =
  type condition
  type 'a fetchxml
  let init : 'a Crm.Entities.entity
  let set_count : int -> 'a fetchxml -> 'a fetchxml
  let add_condition : 'a -> condition -> 'a fetchxml -> 'a fetchxml
  let add_attribute : 'a -> 'a fetchxml -> 'a fetchxml
  let generate : 'a fetchxml -> string

Now, the continuation...

Off the Shelf Usage

This library is itself mostly a utility for other tool we want to implement. However, let's look at some examples.

Example 1

In our first example we want to retrieve a specific users guid. This is not possible using the online interface.

FetchXml.init (Crm.Entities.systemuser)
|> FetchXml.set_count 1
|> FetchXml.add_condition Crm.Attributes.systemuser.Fullname (FetchXml.Equals "CRM System")
|> FetchXml.generate
|> fun f -> xrm.OrganizationService.RetrieveMultiple (FetchExpression f)
|> fun ec -> (ec.Entities.Item 0).Id



Example 2

Let's do a slightly more complicated example, a generalized version of the built-in "My Open Opportunities". It is generalized because we can supply it with any users guid, and it retrieves all records, not limited by the usual maximum of 250.

FetchXml.init (Crm.Entities.opportunity)
|> FetchXml.add_condition Crm.Attributes.opportunity.Ownerid (FetchXml.Equals "{1594eb93-de4c-4f11-bcf8-c27446d96378}")
|> FetchXml.add_condition Crm.Attributes.opportunity.Statecode (FetchXml.Equals "0")
|> FetchXml.generate
|> fun f -> xrm.OrganizationService.RetrieveMultiple (FetchExpression f)
|> fun ec -> ec.Entities

Going Beyond

In the examples above, we notice that the two final steps are quite similar. Further, the steps exhibit the |> fun x ->-pattern which I don't find very attractive. Thus, we can abstract these steps into a function.

let fetch fxml = 
  xrm.OrganizationService.RetrieveMultiple (FetchExpression fxml)
  |> fun ec -> ec.Entities

Another useful addition to the library is a lookup function, which finds a unique element, based on one fields value.

let lookup ent f v =
  let es =
    FetchXml.init ent
    |> FetchXml.set_count 2
    |> FetchXml.add_condition f (FetchXml.Equals v)
    |> FetchXml.generate
    |> fetch in
  if es.Count = 0 then
    failwithf "Lookup failed: no %A records found with %A = %s" ent f v
  else if es.Count > 1 then
    failwithf "Lookup failed: multiple %A records found with %A = %s" ent f v
    (es.Item 0).Id

Example: Audit History

I was recently in a situation where I needed to retrieve a lot of audit data. Currently, there is no convinient way to do this in CRM. Thus, it is a perfect way to demonstrate the usefulness of our new library. We are going to find the owner – before last update – of all open opportunities currently owned by a specific user.

FetchXml.init (Crm.Entities.opportunity)
|> FetchXml.add_condition Crm.Attributes.opportunity.Ownerid (FetchXml.Equals "{1594eb93-de4c-4f11-bcf8-c27446d96378}")
|> FetchXml.add_condition Crm.Attributes.opportunity.Statecode (FetchXml.Equals "0")
|> FetchXml.generate
|> fetch
|> (fun o ->
  let req = RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryRequest () in
  req.Target <- EntityReference("opportunity", o.Id);
  let resp = xrm.OrganizationService.Execute(req) :?> RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryResponse in
  let oldVal = (resp.AuditDetailCollection.Item 0 :?> AttributeAuditDetail).OldValue in
  if oldVal <> null && oldVal.Attributes.ContainsKey("ownerid")
    string (o.Attributes.["name"]) + "; " +
    (oldVal.Attributes.["ownerid"] :?> EntityReference).Name